API Reference
Here are some of interfaces provided in the library. Full API reference will be available later.
Option[T] class for managing empty and fulfilled data easily.
declare class Option<T> implements Optionable<T> {
static Some<T>(value: T): Option<T>;
static None(): Option<{}>;
isEmpty: boolean;
isDefined: boolean;
constructor(value?: T);
getOrElse<V>(stopGap: V): T | V;
orElse<V>(fallback: Option<V>): Option<T | V>;
map<P>(func: (val: T) => P): Option<P | T>;
flatMap<P>(func: (val: T) => Option<P>): Option<T | P>;
coflatMap<P>(func: (val: Option<T>) => P): Option<T | P>;
forEach(func: (val: T) => void): void;
filter(pred: (val: T) => boolean): Option<T>;
flatten<K>(): Option<T | K>;
combine<P>(that: Option<P>): Option<T | P>;
fold<S>(f: (val: T) => S, g: () => S): S;
exists(pred: (val: T) => boolean): boolean;
forall(pred: (val: T) => boolean): boolean;
Either[K, T] class for managing right/wrong data or data disjunctions.
declare class Either<K, T> implements Validatable<K, T> {
static Left<T>(val: T): Either<T, void>;
static Right<T>(val: T): Either<void, T>;
isLeft: boolean;
isRight: boolean;
constructor(left?: K, right?: T);
left(): LProjection<K, T>;
right(): RProjection<K, T>;
getOrElse<P>(stopGap: P): T | P;
swap(): Either<T, K>;
joinLeft<S = K, P = T>(): Either<S, P>;
joinRight<S = K, P = T>(): Either<S, P>;
fold<S>(f: (val: T) => S, g: (val: K) => S): S;
exists(pred: (val: T) => boolean): boolean;
forall(pred: (val: T) => boolean): boolean;
interface Projection<T> {
getOrElse<P>(val: P): T | P;
get(): T | never;
toOption(): Option<T>;
Try[T] class for easy working with throwable functions and data they produce.
interface Try<T> {
isFailure: boolean;
isSuccess: boolean;
toEither(): Either<Error, T>;
toOption(): Option<T>;
getOrElse<U>(stopGap: U): U | T;
get(): T | never;
orElse<U>(fallback: Try<U>): Try<T | U>;
map<P>(func: (val: T) => P): Try<P | T>;
flatMap<P>(func: (val: T) => Try<P>): Try<T | P>;
forEach(func: (val: T) => void): void;
filter(pred: (val: T) => boolean): Try<T>;
fold<S>(f: (val: T) => S, g: (val: Error) => S): S;
transform<S>(f: (val: T) => Try<S>, g: (err: Error) => Try<S>): Try<S>;
recover<S>(f: (err: Error) => S): Try<S | T>;
recoverWith<S>(f: (err: Error) => Try<S>): Try<S | T>;
failed(): Try<Error>;
product<P>(next: Try<P>): Try<[T, P]>;
exists(pred: (val: T) => boolean): boolean;
forall(pred: (val: T) => boolean): boolean;
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